"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself." --Mark Twain
The country was founded and our people under the impression we decide what our government does. We the People, government of the people. Clinton admits these world powers actually "tell us what to do".
Clinton is a globalist, this is a philosophy that involves world dominance by a select few. The founders of this country envisioned America with her own rules and a nation of people who governed themselves. A globalist agenda would mean we would be policing the world and forcing ideology of one world government by a select few of elitists running the world. Guaranteed the US Constitution would be the first to go.
A globalist view of bringing the world in line with a super power government controlling everything.
America can only remain free if we keep to the plan of a government for the people by the people. A Constitution that governs America, protects American borders and keeps to the policy of our nation only in ensuring what is best for us. Our resources are barely enough to govern our nation. To branch out and police the world through corruption and destruction of world people is not the answer.
She speaks of the New World Order, and she's is saying Obama will bring it in.
She uses our sympathies to say we must feed the world. Yet we can't afford to do this. And it isn't about feeding the world its about or Country getting control of poorer countries and stealing their resources while we fund their corrupt governments in exchange for their enslavement. This is so Un-American. Would we want a nation like China to do this to us? Do the people in Africa see the donations of food or are they used to pay off cartels who support government corruption.
She says global economic recovery which is really scary. Our economy being run by some world leader. Does this not sound scary enough but coming from our secretary of state as if its a good thing rather than a very evil sinister plan to give our finical lives to a few elite rich guys who could care less if we survive.
The scare tactics she employs here are just rhetoric. There is no boogie man. He's an incarnation of our leaders who want us to feel the world isn't safe and thus we must all join together against a common evil.
We are a Republic form of government not a democracy. Chills me to the bone to hear this out of this woman's mouth. She doesn't know our form of government? How can that be. "Condescending and Imperialistic seeking to expand our power at the expense of others". These are the only truths this woman spoke in her whole speech.
Again with the Democracy, we are a Republic we are ruled by the US Constitution. Saying we are a Democracy doesn't change our form of government or negate our founding document. This woman is a traitor to the US Constitution. We are fighting for Democracy when we ourselves are not. Insanity!
She is basically saying the Republic and US Constitution are dead, the globalist agenda and one world government's time has come.
global government, global government, global government...
global government, global government, global government, global policing the world, not let governments seek their own direction. Don't we sound like England?...
The American bully as entered the room.
All the while American jobs have been given to these countries on a platter.
Notice she cleverly puts "Republic" after Islamic to say it's a bad thing. While we are also a Republicc and then making Democracy sound like it's the good guys, even though we are not a Democracy. Trying to change who we are with propaganda.
What about the country you are in lady? Americans are struggling to survive. Global hunger is not our problem unless we can overcome it in our own country. More of our tax dollars spent out of the country without our permission. If want to give to organizations that feed other nations that's our choice not our leaderships.
Ah, the set up for a never ending war. The boogie man again, who happens to be Arab. Perpetual war that makes her friends rich and us poor.
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