Tuesday, July 28, 2009
12,000 American Children to be guinea pigs
Untested on children to find out how the drug will react. This is so wrong on many levels.
Novel Virus, hybrid virus; gene splicing, man made flu.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Everything we see on the media today is controlled so the two presidential choices were just puppets for the same master. And people voted on what they saw not on who was best suited. Both choices voted for the banker bailouts before they were even elected. This is amazing because the American people were against the bailouts but then like mindless idiots turned around and voted for one or the other anyway. The only recourse we have is at the polls. To make change we have to change who represents us. Go with people who won't vote on bailouts.
Congress today has no term limits. The numbers don't lie. When a career politician has over 20 years you can be sure he or she is well acquainted with lobbyist and get paid much much more than their salaries by industry and special interest groups to do whatever they want. New Congress members have to get to know these people, they aren't entrenched in the power structure yet, they aren't tainted.
The easiest thing Americans can do is not allow Congress members to be voted in ever more than once. We would end Congressional corrupting in one election cycle and return honor to Washington. Since Congress won't legislate their own term limits we have to force term limits on them. We have to respond in kind at the polls when they don't do what we want them to.
I've never seen such an outpouring of citizens contacting senators and congress people on the things they are currently voting on. We are literally crashing their websites and switch boards to tell them how they should be voting, yet these people vote exactly how we are telling them not to because they no longer care or even want to give the illusion they care. It isn't about us it's about power and money and we don't figure into that equation.
When you see that smiling face saying please vote for me look past the name at the years of experience, if it's more than two or four years look at this as a terrible thing for America. In this case experience is a bad thing because it means they've gotten really good at corruption. In addition its harder for a new person to go up against an established person because people don't like change but change is the only thing that can restore this country.
Imagine their faces when they don't win anymore. Or they don't do what we want and they don't win as a result. Guess what, they know there are consequences to their actions. That the American people are not going to take their blatant abuse and disrespect of the very people who put them there.
We all have to do it. We all have to decide never to reelect any of them. At least for a few cycles and once we have purged the crooks we need to get people in who will pass a law to term limit Congress and make lobbyist illegal and the obvious conflict of interest they are.
Hillary Clinton while campaigning said this,
Lobbyist have families... I saw it and stood in shock. Lobbyist sure have jobs, but its what's behind the lobbyist, huge corporations or special interests who pay her large sums of money to do what they ask. Whens the last time a huge corporation wanted her to pass a law that favored consumers? Do you know why you have only one electric company to choose from, or one gas company or one phone company? How in America did everything grow to monopolies which we know is not good for consumers. One company means they don't give a shit about service or price because you can't go anywhere to get that same service you are trapped using the only choice you have. lobbyist paid dearly to be the monopoly. They did it in the name of deregulation and then regulation by our government as if they do anything to protect or benefit us.
If you have two restaurants and one is great and the other is average. We as consumers can decide which has better prices and service. We dictate these businesses survival. We also can influence price when we have choices. With only one choice, we are doomed to high prices and horrible service. And how about the people clapping in this video? Are they idiots? Do they listen to what she says or are they just clapping because they think whatever she says is good?
Congress today has no term limits. The numbers don't lie. When a career politician has over 20 years you can be sure he or she is well acquainted with lobbyist and get paid much much more than their salaries by industry and special interest groups to do whatever they want. New Congress members have to get to know these people, they aren't entrenched in the power structure yet, they aren't tainted.
The easiest thing Americans can do is not allow Congress members to be voted in ever more than once. We would end Congressional corrupting in one election cycle and return honor to Washington. Since Congress won't legislate their own term limits we have to force term limits on them. We have to respond in kind at the polls when they don't do what we want them to.
I've never seen such an outpouring of citizens contacting senators and congress people on the things they are currently voting on. We are literally crashing their websites and switch boards to tell them how they should be voting, yet these people vote exactly how we are telling them not to because they no longer care or even want to give the illusion they care. It isn't about us it's about power and money and we don't figure into that equation.
When you see that smiling face saying please vote for me look past the name at the years of experience, if it's more than two or four years look at this as a terrible thing for America. In this case experience is a bad thing because it means they've gotten really good at corruption. In addition its harder for a new person to go up against an established person because people don't like change but change is the only thing that can restore this country.
Imagine their faces when they don't win anymore. Or they don't do what we want and they don't win as a result. Guess what, they know there are consequences to their actions. That the American people are not going to take their blatant abuse and disrespect of the very people who put them there.
We all have to do it. We all have to decide never to reelect any of them. At least for a few cycles and once we have purged the crooks we need to get people in who will pass a law to term limit Congress and make lobbyist illegal and the obvious conflict of interest they are.
Hillary Clinton while campaigning said this,
Lobbyist have families... I saw it and stood in shock. Lobbyist sure have jobs, but its what's behind the lobbyist, huge corporations or special interests who pay her large sums of money to do what they ask. Whens the last time a huge corporation wanted her to pass a law that favored consumers? Do you know why you have only one electric company to choose from, or one gas company or one phone company? How in America did everything grow to monopolies which we know is not good for consumers. One company means they don't give a shit about service or price because you can't go anywhere to get that same service you are trapped using the only choice you have. lobbyist paid dearly to be the monopoly. They did it in the name of deregulation and then regulation by our government as if they do anything to protect or benefit us.
If you have two restaurants and one is great and the other is average. We as consumers can decide which has better prices and service. We dictate these businesses survival. We also can influence price when we have choices. With only one choice, we are doomed to high prices and horrible service. And how about the people clapping in this video? Are they idiots? Do they listen to what she says or are they just clapping because they think whatever she says is good?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Chicago Protest this weekend, strangely missing from the nightly news
People are taking to the streets in cities all over America. They are tired of the bailouts, tired of the lack of change and tired of the corruption. Ask yourself why your media isn't covering this. If everyone knew how many people felt the same way, they would gain strength and possibly get the crooks out of the Congress and the Senate. These aren't Republicans and Democrats these are angry working Americans furious that their elected officials won't listen to them. When Obama spoke of redistributing the wealth everyone thought he meant from working people to poor people. We all now know he meant from working people to rich bankers and large business owners. General Motors, AIG, CitiBank all standing in line for their handout coming out of our pockets. How is their bailout with huge bonuses and parties and summer homes, and private jets going to do anything for us? It never was, that was never the plan.
Those of you who voted for Obama you were duped, it's OK to admit it. We tried to tell you. It wasn't personal against the man, it was the men behind him who funded his campaign and are now forcing him to make policy that benefits them and not the American people. They paid dearly to be in your living room telling you how wonderful he was and building him up to sound like hope. This was by design so you would get him in office so he could do their bidding. We all wanted a miracle but logic was always there for us. You can't get out of debt by going into more debt. Hope blinded people. Only through information can we know just how large the group of patriots is. If the news mentions them they act as though they are terrorists for exercising rights that founded this country, that we sacrificed our brothers and fathers and husbands for.
When freedom of speech becomes terrorism, we've been taken over by terrorists.

Those of you who voted for Obama you were duped, it's OK to admit it. We tried to tell you. It wasn't personal against the man, it was the men behind him who funded his campaign and are now forcing him to make policy that benefits them and not the American people. They paid dearly to be in your living room telling you how wonderful he was and building him up to sound like hope. This was by design so you would get him in office so he could do their bidding. We all wanted a miracle but logic was always there for us. You can't get out of debt by going into more debt. Hope blinded people. Only through information can we know just how large the group of patriots is. If the news mentions them they act as though they are terrorists for exercising rights that founded this country, that we sacrificed our brothers and fathers and husbands for.
When freedom of speech becomes terrorism, we've been taken over by terrorists.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Must See!
Interview with Democrat Dennis Kucinich on the Federal Reserve:
Q: So, who has ultimate oversight power over the Fed?
A: Well, we have oversight power of the Fed, but the fact of the matter is that the Federal Reserve is as "federal" as Federal Express. What we should do is put the Federal Reserve under the U.S. Treasury so that we have control over their activities. Instead, what the government has done is give the Federal Reserve the ability to basically print money, to create money out of nothing, and to distribute it through their chain of contacts on Wall Street.
Q: Congressman Paul has introduced H.R. 1207 that would have a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve by the GAO by 2010.
A: And I support that. Absolutely. Congressman Paul has been very vigilant on matter relating to the Federal Reserve. He and I agree with each other on this. We work together on matters of government accountability. The Federal Reserve should be accountable. However, they’re not directly a government organization, but they’re a creature of the government. And it was the privatization of our banking system that has given great power to vested interest in this country and they can use it for better or worse. Lately, it’s been for worse.
Q: So you feel the Fed is partly responsible for our current economic crisis?
A: Of course they are.
Q: How so?
A: The oversight responsibilities that the Fed has over the banking system are really not exercised in the interests of the American people. They were supposed to provide oversight on the conduct of banks and they didn’t do that. They basically looked the other way as banks started to dump massive amounts of money into mortgage-backed securities and these collateralized debt obligations kept growing and growing and growing. The Fed should have known. It’s their business to know the danger the economy was headed towards when people began to default in paying their mortgagees. They should have known.
Q: So, it sounds like that you’re saying the Federal Reserve is not succeeding in its mission.
A: Well... one needs to understand the mission of the Federal Reserve. And its mission, at its core, is to be supportive of the private banking system. One could argue that they have not done that by looking the other way as the banking system got heavily involved in subprime mortgages and collateralized debt obligations that actually led to the great trouble that, not just our banking system, but our entire financial system is in right now. The Federal Reserve has an obligation and they haven’t kept their obligation for oversight. So my subcommittee on Domestic Policy has jurisdiction over the Federal Reserve. And now we will exert the oversight that the Federal Reserve that the Fed was supposed to.
Q: And do you think you’ll be successful? From what I understand, the Federal Reserve has never fully been audited.
A: Well they WILL be. They cannot escape responsibility. The reach and requirements of transparency are now greater than they’ve ever been. And so, The Fed is not going to be able to escape those requirements. It’s a whole new world and the Federal Reserve will have to adjust to that. Again, I personally favor taking the Federal Reserve and putting it under the Treasury Department, so that way we actually have control over our monetary policies.
Q: Where is it now?
A: The Federal Reserve operates as a separate agency. We don’t really have control over the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is an independent banking authority.
Q: And then who owns the Federal Reserve?
A: The Federal Reserve is owned by its member banks.
Q: And who are they?
A: Banks from all across America. So we need to get control back of our money supply. And that’s what I’m working on.
Q: How successful do you think H.R. 1207 will be to audit the Federal Reserve?
A: I think that will happen.
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