Tuesday, November 18, 2008

History Repeats

Hitler knew just how important getting kids engaged in his mission would be; indoctrinate generations to support the agenda. Children no longer listened to their parents but their young impressionable minds were programmed to carry out the mission of the state. Once we see groups like these forming we must not allow them to grab hold. Getting control of the minds of our children can have devastating consequences. Having to reprogram generations to think for themselves again and support freedom can be a daunting task. The allure for children of being important to the state for the first time, to be part of a group for the first time to have a safe structured environment where they don't have to think is the danger and also the tool to make it happen.

Africa has a very dangerous element started by rebels. They steal children and teach them to kill. They kidnap children to grow their ranks and the leaders give kids drugs and alcohol and treat them like men. It works because children are so impressionable. They easily learn new languages and cultures because their minds are like sponges ready to absorb. We can't as a free society allow this to happen to our children. We have to teach them about freedom liberty and the US Constitution. If we teach them about freedom rather than captive slavery they will fight for freedom.

Obama's proposed civilian army where everyone 18-42 will serve four years will do exactly what Hitler youth did. It allowed all people rich and poor to be come comrades and equal. Four years of government training will only serve to suppress free thinking. The masses are usually mostly poor so it gives them a false sense of equality for the sole purpose of rounding up massive army's to do the government's bidding. This is straight out of Nazi Germany; it would make Hitler proud. Forced labor is not American or has anything to do with freedom or liberty. It goes against every American being their own person, and making their own decisions about their destiny. It is the extreme opposite of freedom. If these videos don't scare the crap out of you, you are already sucked into the propaganda. You've been warned.

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