Barack Obama
- Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): A “Dishonorable Mention” last year, Senator Obama moves onto the “ten most wanted” list in 2007. In 2006, it was discovered that Obama was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko. In 2007, more reports surfaced of deeper and suspicious business and political connections It was reported that just two months after he joined the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors. One of the companies was a biotech concern that benefited from legislation Obama pushed just two weeks after the senator purchased $5,000 of the company’s shares. Obama was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law. Judicial Watch's Top10 Ten Most Corrupt Politicians
- $854 Billion Global Poverty Bill. This additional tax on the American people will go to the governments of countries with huge poverty and will buy power and influence and never get to the people who actually need it. It is my feeling that if people want to give to organizations like Save the Children they make that choice. 854 Billion dollars could do a lot of good to help people in America. It's our money it should stay here. His globalist agenda is not good for America.
- He's Dick Cheney's 8th Cousin. Just too close for me.
- He's a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations as is his wife. Although he denies it. This organization is made up of bankers, and corporate elite. This Globalist organization wants to make the world run by one government and one monetary system with only a few key people running the show. They want to remove the United States Sovereignty to achieve this goal. No more freedom or Us Constitution.
- Barack Obama Scored an "F" by the National Taxpayers Union. The Taxpayer Score measures the strength and support for reducing spending and regulation and opposing higher taxes. He scored 5%. An F means the person is a BIG Spender.
- His biggest Campaign Contributors are the banks. The main reason our economy is in shambles is the Federal Reserve and its unethical policies regarding the printing of money. The Federal Reserve is owned by Private banks for profit. The reason Obama doesn't provide a solution for the economy is because he doesn't intend to change what ails us. He can't, he's beholden to the very people who hold our economy hostage.
- He's a war monger. He does say he'll end the Iraq war but he has no intention of getting us out of war. War is the main money maker for the banks. They print money to fund the war and that money has compounding interest. So wars can't end. Barack said, we should get out of Iraq and go into Afghanistan and go after the real terrorist. No end to war. He cannot, he's beholden to the banks.
- He denies the existence of the North American Union and sounds much like Bush when he describes it as a conspiracy theory although any google search yields millions of hits. He likens it to a few bloggers with conspiracy theories. Amazingly scary. Ron Paul was made to look crazy when he was asked at the debates if he believed this very real, very scary so called "conspiracy theory". This is propaganda at its finest trying to sway Americans to not ask important questions for fear they will be labeled "crazy". At the time of the debates there were actually websites dedicated to the NAFTA Superhighway and North American Union that were right out in the open. They have since been removed.
- He scored a D- on his Illegal Immigration policies
- Proposes $343.6 billion (not sure why his $854 billion poverty bill wasn't included in this number) in increased spending by the government rather than cutting the spending. Ron Paul proposes -$150.1 billion to be cut from government spending.
- John was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. He is anti MIA POW and votes against Veterans of War, even though he himself was a POW. Many Veterans groups hate this man. Being a soldier is a fraternity that no bond severs. I'm convinced this man is very, very bad to have so many veterans against him.
- He's a war monger, he claimed in a speech that if we needed to stay in Iraq for 100 more years, it would be fine with him.
- He's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
- He has a serious anger problem. I truly believe he's insane.
- He supports illegal immigration and wants to grant immunity to illegal aliens in addition to an overall bad record on immigration. He scored a D on his illegal immigration policies.
- His biggest Campaign Contributors are the banks. The main reason our economy is in shambles is the Federal Reserve and its unethical policies regarding the printing of money. The Federal Reserve is owned by Private banks for profit. The reason McCain doesn't provide a solution for the economy is because he doesn't intend to change what ails us. He can't, he's beholden to the very people who hold our economy hostage.
- Proposes $68.5 billion in increased spending by the government rather than cutting the size of government. Ron Paul proposes -$150.1 billion to be cut from government spending.
- I don't know if I can stomach being called "Amirikins" for the next four years. Or having our economy being called our "aconomy", or calling D.C. "Warshington".
- He won't live out his first term.
As I think of more I will post them.
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